
Posts Tagged ‘wills’

What is a Henson Trust (Absolute Discretionary Trust)?

A Henson Trust is an excellent way to allow for financial care for disabled children after the death of the parent(s). The terms Henson Trust, Absolute Discretionary Trust and Discretionary Trust are used interchangeably and refer to a very specific type of trust when used in the context of planning for a person with a disability.

The purposes of a Henson Trust are to protect the assets (typically an inheritance) of a disabled person, as well as that person’s rights to collect government benefits and entitlements.

The key provision of a Henson Trust is that the trustee has “absolute discretion” in determining whether to use the trust assets to provide assistance to the beneficiary, and in what quantity. This provision means that the assets do not vest with the beneficiary and thus cannot be used to deny means-tested government benefits.

In addition, the trust may provide income tax relief by being taxed at a lower marginal rate than if the beneficiary’s total assets were considered. It can also be used to shield assets from matrimonial division in case of divorce of the beneficiary. In most cases, the trust assets are immune from claims by creditors of the beneficiary.

A Henson Trust can be established either as an Inter Vivos (Living) or a Testamentary Trust (Created by last Will and Testament). The most commonly used type of Henson Trust is the Testamentary Trust established in a parent’s or caregiver’s Will.

History of the Henson Trust

Leonard Henson had a daughter named Audrey. Audrey was a person with a developmental disability and she lived in a group home managed by the Guelph Association for Community Living. Leonard knew that if he left his estate directly to his daughter, it would exceed the allowable asset limits as set out by the Family Benefits Allowance (now called the Ontario Disability Support Program). He realized that having assets in the hands of his daughter directly would not be to her advantage and that her benefits would be terminated until the assets were “spent down” to a level below the threshold amount. In addition, Leonard’s wife had pre-deceased him and he had no other family.

Leonard discovered a technique that would allow Audrey to retain her government benefits while at the same time allowing her to receive quality of life enhancements from his estate. That technique was the use of the Absolute Discretionary Trust to be created in his Will as a Testamentary Trust. The Will required the creation of an Absolute Discretionary Trust which appointed the Guelph Association for Community Living as Trustee and his daughter Audrey as beneficiary of the trust. Once Audrey died, his Will instructed that the remaining funds in the Trust were to be passed on to the Guelph Association for Community Living.

The Ministry of Community, Family and Children’s Services (the ministry which controls the FBA (ODSP)), determined that Audrey had inherited the estate of her father and since it was in excess of the allowable amount of assets, they terminated her benefits. The Guelph Association for Community Living challenged this decision and the Ministry took the trust and the Trustee to court. The first court found that the funds contained in Audrey’s trust account did not meet the FBA (ODSP) definition of assets and therefore, it ruled in favour of the Trustees. The Ministry launched an appeal. The appeal reached the Supreme Court of Ontario and in September of 1989 was dismissed. The court allowed the trust to benefit Audrey without affecting her government benefits.

That decision has enabled families who have a son or daughter with a disability and are residents of Ontario with a vehicle in which they can place assets for their children without disqualifying them from receiving the ODSP payments to which they would otherwise be entitled.

For further information or assistance, please contact Douglas Laughton, Partner, Tierney Stauffer LLP at 613-288-3225 or If you have questions about trusts in general, you can contact us at 613-728-8057 or by e-mail at

Douglas J. Laughton
B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.
Partner, Tierney Stauffer LLP

This article is provided  as an information resource and is not intended to replace advice from a quaified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter  referenced in this document before making decisions. Any use of this document does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship. 

The Role of Life Insurance in Estate and Tax Planning

The best way to increase the value of your estate is to minimize the tax implications arising on your death. On that basis, because of the potential tax savings, life insurance policies are useful estate planning tools that ought to be considered when planning your estate.

One of the greatest benefi ts of life insurance is that, upon the death of the insured individual, it provides a tax-free lump sum payment directly to the designated beneficiary(ies), tax free. Consequently, the insured individual knows that he or she provided protection and financial security to his or her surviving spouse or his or her surviving dependents.

Another reason to consider life insurance in the context of estate planning is estate preservation. The Income Tax Act provides that a deceased taxpayer is deemed to have disposed of each capital property owned by him or her  immediately before death for proceeds equal to the fair market value at that time. For tax purposes, that signifies a deemed a capital gain will be realized upon death.

In this context, life insurance may be purchased to provide the necessary funds to pay the capital gain, thereby  preventing the beneficiary(ies) of the estate from having to sell some of the assets to pay for the taxes.

Since the proceeds of the life insurance are paid directly to the designated beneficiary(ies), they do not form part of the estate and, as a result, probate tax is saved on that amount. It may be advantageous to transfer cash into life insurance and designate a beneficiary(ies) to avoid probate tax being levied on the value of these assets in the estate.

Life insurance should be considered a valuable estate planning tool as it can be cost efficient and will allow the insurance proceeds to be received tax-free by the designated beneficiary(ies).

Th ere has been much debate as to whether one’s life insurance proceeds should be paid to their estate or to designated individual beneficiaries. Fundamentally, the issue is whether the proceeds are to be paid to a designated beneficiary,  thus avoiding probate tax, or paid to the estate in order to take full advantage of the graduated tax rates available to testamentary trusts on the income generated after death by the insurance proceeds.

The testamentary insurance trust may ultimately be the solution to that debate as it allows for funding of a trust using insurance proceeds such that the trust will also qualify as a testamentary trust for tax purposes. It is important to ensure
that the parameters of the testamentary insurance trust have been established prior to death in the deceased’s will in a manner intended to avoid probate tax. Also, care must be taken to ensure such trust meets the defi nition of a  testamentary trust and that it comes into eff ect in such a way so as to avoid probate tax.

If structured properly, the estate will avoid paying probate tax on the proceeds of the life insurance while the beneficiaries will benefit from the graduated tax rates of the testamentary trust on the income generated by the insurance proceeds. Th is arrangement may translate into considerable taxsavings for the beneficiaries.
When developing a business succession plan, consider the use of life insurance as a source of funding to provide for the needs of the business upon the death of the business owner, a key executive, or shareholder. There are several key
tax advantages in using life insurance proceeds.

One of the main tax advantages is arranging for the life insurance proceeds to be payable to the corporation on a tax-free basis. As a result, the proceeds of the life insurance (over the adjusted cost base of the policy) will increase the capital dividend account of the corporation thereby allowing for the payment of tax-free capital dividends to the shareholders of the corporation or to the estate of the deceased shareholder. Depending on the Will of the deceased shareholder, the surviving spouse may receive tax-free capital dividends in a spousal testamentary trust allowing for income splitting.

Life insurance can also be an efficient means of funding the obligations under a buy/sell agreement found in a  shareholder agreement. The life insurance proceeds would be paid to the corporation thereby increasing the capital dividend account allowing for tax-free capital dividends to be available for purchase by the surviving shareholders from the deceased shareholder. If the shareholder  agreement provides for such a buy/sell agreement, the estate may also be entitled to claim the capital gain exemption on the sale of the shares to the surviving shareholders.

In order for this to occur, the shares must meet the definition of “qualified small business corporation shares” as defined in the Income Tax Act. If so, the estate would be eligible to receive up to $750,000 in tax-free shares. The business succession options set out above must be carefully implemented otherwise the business owner or the corporation might be assessed a taxable shareholder benefit by the Canada Revenue Agency.

It is not uncommon for a business owner to own the shares of a holding company which in turn own shares of the operating company. In those situations, there are a number of factual and tax considerations that must be considered in determining who will be the owner and beneficiary of the insurance policy; and which entity must pay the insurance premiums.

Life insurance may be used for reasons other than estate and business succession. Indeed, it may be possible to use some life insurance to fund the business owner’s retirement or for the company to offer some form of “supplementary executive retirement plan” to an executive person.

The success of your estate planning relies on a clear understanding of the rules of taxation upon death and the rules of taxation of life insurance. Seek professional advice when planning your estate, especially if you are considering implementing a business or succession plan with the use of life insurance, because an error could result in adverse tax consequences.

If you have any questions concerning estate or tax planning, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Sébastien Desmarais
LL.B., LL.L., J.D.
Associate, Tierney Stauffer LLP

This article is provided  as an information resource and is not intended to replace advice from a quaified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter  referenced in this document before making decisions. Any use of this document does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship. 

Common Law Spouses and Intestacy

Many common law spouses believe that because they have been living together, they are considered married in the eyes of the law and consequently, if one common law spouse dies intestate (without a Will), the surviving one common law spouse is entitled to receive part of or the entire Estate. This is not the case.

The Succession Law Reform Act (the “SLRA”) states that if one dies without a will, married spouses are entitled to a preferential share of the estate equal to $200,000 plus 1/2 of the balance to share with the deceased child or 1/3 of the balance to share with the deceased’s children.

However, common law relationships of heterosexual or same sex partners, lack the same recognition as married spouses under the SLRA leaving the surviving common law spouse with no statutory right to an inheritance from their spouse’s Estate.

That means if a common law spouse dies without a will, the surviving common law spouse has no entitlement to any part of the Estate.

For example consider Jack and Jill who have decided never to marry but have been living together for 15 years and have three children aged 12, 9 and 7. Unfortunately, Jack dies in a car accident leaving an estate valued at $300,000. Jack has no Will.

Because Jack and Jill were never married, Jill has no legal right to an inheritance or to property through an equalization payment and Jack’s estate will be divided equally among his three children where each would inherit $100,000 (held in trust until they have reached the age of majority).

As a common law spouse, Jill can only hope to succeed in an action where she would sue the Estate seeking support as a dependent.

The above example may seem unfair but the Supreme Court of Canada in Walsh v. Bona, held that such distinction does not offend the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms because the differentiation was based on the individuals’ choice of whether or not to marry.

Common law spouses who want their spouse to have a right to an inheritance in their Estate must have a valid Will. If you or someone you know is in a common law relationship and does not have a Will, to avoid a situation such as this, it is time to consider getting one.

If you have questions regarding this issue or any other issue pertaining to Wills and Estates Planning, please contact:

Sébastien Desmarais
LL.B., LL.L., J.D.
Associate, Tierney Stauffer LLP

This article is provided  as an information resource and is not intended to replace advice from a quaified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter  referenced in this document before making decisions. Any use of this document does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship. 

Trustees Controlling the Corporation – a Challenging Situation

Estate planning intrinsically results in tax planning; one cannot dissociate the two. Indeed, the easiest manner to maximize the value of an estate is by minimizing the tax payable at death. The same approach applies to the successful business owner; maximizing profit by minimizing taxes.

Trusts are oft enused to accomplish eff ective tax/estate planning. However, the use of a trust to control a private  corporation imposes fiduciary obligations on the part of the trustees to administer the corporation for both the shareholders and the beneficiaries of the trust; a challenging balancing act for the trustees at the best of times.

This newsletter will explore the various duties of trustees and some of the conflicts of interest that can arise.

Powers and Authority of Trustees and Directors
Trustees have a duty to carry their powers and authority in accordance with the Deed of Trust whereas Estate Trustees have a duty to act in accordance with the instructions conferred by the Testator’s Will. Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the beneficiaries; that is a duty of loyalty and a duty of care toward the beneficiaries.

Trustees have three fundamental duties they must always comply with:

  • they may not delegate their duties to a third-party;
  • they may not profit personally from their dealings with the trust property; and
  • they must act honestly, with prudence and reasonableness.

Trustees also have a duty to act personally, with care and in good faith and must avoid conflicts of interest.

Directors, on the other hand, owe a fiduciary duty to the corporation, and only the corporation. Directors are intended to make policy and specific decisions concerning a variety of business risks as long as it is for the best of the corporation.
It is said that the directors are considered to be the alter ego of a corporation.

Trustees Controlling a Corporation
In many tax planning strategies such as an estate freeze, a family trust is introduced as the majority shareholder of the corporation holding the shares that will represent the future growth of the corporation.

The introduction of a family trust as the majority shareholder is usually viewed as providing greater flexibility in tax planning strategies and estate planning but results in different considerations for decision-making: the duties of the
directors versus the duties of the trustees.

Trustees holding the majority of the shares of a company face the possibility of having to make decisions that may impact the viability and value of the corporation and intrinsically affect the beneficiaries’ interest in the trust. It is nearly impossible to avoid some conflict of interest in these circumstances; indeed when acting as both a trustee and a director, the individual has a duality of fiduciary duties which may ultimately conflict. Where trustees hold shares representing voting control of the corporation, it is difficult to imagine how they can exercise their fiduciary duty without being appointed on the board of directors of the company. They may elect to only have one of them appointed but such does not discharge the other trustees of their fiduciary duties; they nonetheless must place themselves in a position to make informed decisions concerning the company in order to protect the assets of the trust.

If the trustees decide that all of them will be elected to the board of directors, they must vote in accordance with their fiduciary duties as trustees. If the Deed of Trust or the Will requires a decision by vote by majority, then the trustees must vote and make decisions as directors in a fashion similar to casting their vote as trustees.

There are significant differences in the operation of trust law and corporate law. The trustees who must act appropriately as directors must also act in the best interest of the beneficiaries which can sometimes conflict with what is in the best
interest of the shareholders; not always an easy juggling act.

Estate Trustees Controlling a Corporation 
Estate trustees are faced with the same challenges stated above and, further, they must as well meet their fiduciary  duties toward the beneficiaries of the estate. The issue is therefore how can you balance the duty of care to the
beneficiaries of the estate and the corporation??

Estate trustees must also deal with estate planning strategies that render their decision-making even more difficult as they are required to consider different beneficiaries who may have different interests. For example, what if the testator
leaves a life interest of the income of the corporation to his spouse but on her death the shares including all income not paid to the spouse, are to be equally divided amongst his children. In whose interest do they manage the corporation,
the spouse or the children?

This is just one example of the complex issues that can arise from the duality of acting as estate trustee and director of a corporation. A well drafted Will should provide clear instructions to the estate trustee for such circumstances but
often it does not, leaving the estate trustee in a thorny situation.

It is noteworthy that if the estate is dependent upon an income stream from a corporation, the estate trustee must serve as a director to ensure that the appropriate business decisions are made on timing and distributions of profit of a business.

However, an estate trustee/director  of a corporation is caught in an impossible situation that can only result in a conflict of interest. The estate trustee/director must then face the possibility of having their decisions reviewed by either the shareholders or the beneficiaries of the estate.

Jurisprudence appears to indicate that the beneficiary of an estate is not entitled to any disclosure of the corporate and financial records of the corporation. However, as long as the beneficiary’s interest is involved, the beneficiary is entitled and may seek from the estate trustee all documents or communications between the trustee and the corporation.

Furthermore, trustees may also see their actions as director questioned by the beneficiaries claiming an “oppression remedy.” Professionals who advise on estate planning ought to consider this remedy when discussing estate planning with the testator.

The decision of the trustee/director may always be subject to review and remediation in accordance with the available remedy under the legislation or equity.

We have seen that it is nearly impossible to avoid a conflict of interest when one is acting as both a trustee and a director.  In those instances, the trustees/directors have a duality of fiduciary duties which may ultimately result in a conflict.

Many professionals view this “conflict” as a novel concept and dismiss it on the basis that in practice, the trustees and directors have the discretion to administer the trust and the corporation “as they see fit.”

I submit that such view fails to properly advise trustees who must carry both the duties of trusteeship and directorship. It is true that trustees may be absolved of any personal liability if the Deed of Trust or the Will so states. However, that is only partially true as they can still be held liable under equitable remedies or under corporate legislation.

If you are acting as both trustee and director, it is essential that you recognize your fiduciary duties and to whom to you owe such duties. Failure to do so could result in untenable positions and potential personal liability. If you have any questions concerning the duties of a director or trustee, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 613-288-
3220 or by email at

Sebastian Desmarias
Associate, Tierney Stauffer LLP

This article is provided  as an information resource and is not intended to replace advice from a quaified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter  referenced in this document before making decisions. Any use of this document does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship.